Anti-Racist Data Collection and Use of Data to Inform Policy and Service Delivery | Sept 22
As part of the MET Anti-Racism Speaker Series September 22, 2022 | 5:00-6:00pm PST About Parliamentary Secretary Rachna Singh Rachna Singh was first elected as MLA for Surrey-Green Timbers in May 2017. She was the convener of the Special Committee to Appoint a Police Complaint Commissioner and the Special Committee to Appoint a Conflict of […]
Systemic Racism in Policing from a Human Rights Lens (Nov 24)
As part of the MET Anti-Racism Speaker Series November 24, 2022 | 5:00-6:00pm PST The time for debate about whether systemic racism exists in policing is over—particularly, but not exclusively, as it effects Indigenous and Black people in British Columbia. It is time to act. In fall 2021, BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner […]
Parents take MET program together to support son and “pay-it-forward”
For parents Joseph Kwan and Joyce Lo, their journey into UBC’s Master of Educational Technology (MET) program together started with the goal to support their son and to empower special-need families. Their 10-year-old son, Jayden, is minimally verbal and uses an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device to communicate his thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Kwan […]
MET Leadership Transitions
As announced by Dean Jan Hare (pro tem), Dr. Samia Khan, Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, will be stepping away from her role as MET Director as she heads on sabbatical commencing July 1. Over the past year, in her capacity as Director, Dr. Khan oversaw many key milestones for the […]
Understanding and Coming to Terms with Historic Trauma: It’s a lifelong journey! (April 27)
As part of the Anti-Racism in the EdTechnosphere Speaker Series April 27, 2022 | 4:00-5:00pm PST Dr. Patricia Makokis will share her path of personal and professional learning as a front line teacher – principal of a school where trauma rolled out daily. She will share why all educators should learn about trauma and become […]
Pervasive Racism and the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community
As part of the Anti-Racism in the EdTechnosphere Speaker Series Listen to Alex DeForge and Meera Dhebar with hosts Dr. Samia Khan and Dr. Keri Ewart as they discuss racism and the 2SLGBTQIA+ community with a focus on tackling the problem through educational technology and critical literacy. Pervasive Racism and the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community | […]
Race Matters: Costs of Equity, Inclusion, Diversity and Allyship (March 28)
As part of the Anti-Racism in the EdTechnosphere Speaker Series March 28, 2022 | 4:00-5:00pm PST Missed the session? View the PowerPoint Slides About Dr. Carl James Carl E. James holds the Jean Augustine Chair in Education, Community and Diaspora in the Faculty of Education at York University and is the Senior Advisor on […]
Anti-Asian Racism: Roots, Impacts, and the Role of Educational Technology (Jan. 20, 2022)
As part of the Anti-Racism in the EdTechnosphere Speaker Series January 20, 2022 | 4:00-5:00pm PST In this talk, I will highlight several important aspects of anti-Asian racism in Canada. First, I will discuss the intersectionality of global and local factors underlying the hate and discrimination Asian Canadian’s experiences in their everyday life. These include […]
Congratulations to the MET Graduating Class of Fall 2021!
Hearty congratulations to the MET graduating class of Fall 2021! We’re proud of you, we wish you every success in your future endeavours, and we hope you will stay in touch via the MET alumni Community. Tuum est. It is yours! Nathan Bristow, MET Derrick Cheung, MET Megan Cleaveley, MET Robert Clifton, MET Kristie Dewald, […]
MET partners with KCJ on coding workshops
As part of the MET Community webinars, a coding workshop series was recently held with Kids Code Jeunesse (KCJ), a Canadian not-for-profit organization based in Montreal, Quebec, that helps children in Canada have an opportunity to learn computational thinking through code. KCJ supports teachers, educators, and parents with workshops that explore different digital tools that […]