Teresa Dobson, PhD

Professor, Department of Language & Literacy Education

MET Faculty

Email: teresa.dobson@ubc.ca

Web / Social: http://blogs.ubc.ca/tmdobson/

“My research for the past two decades has focused primarily on the production of knowledge and its reception in digital environs. I employ collaborative, digital humanities approaches in developing experimental reading interfaces and in studying reader experience of such interfaces. I am a founding member of the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) project. With INKE’s Interface Design team, I have contributed to the development of a series of prototypes for scholarly use.

I am also a literacy and literary education researcher interested in learner engagement in multimodal environments, GPS-enabled interfaces for place-based writing and reading, and teaching literature for social justice. I have been active in the MET program since its inception in 2001, first as a member of the inter-departmental committee that formulated the initial MET curriculum, and since then as a member of, variously, the MET Advisory, Management, and Executive Committees.

I co-authored and taught (with Jeff Miller) one of the first two courses offered through the MET Program, Text Technologies: The Changing Spaces of Reading and Writing (ETEC 540), which won the BC Technology Users Group Innovation Award in 2004 for early implementation of social media in online education.”

Dr. DobsonĀ  also served as MET Director from 2018-2021 and again in 2022-2023.